There was another great volunteer clean up event at Historic Fairview Cemetery on Saturday, August 1. Thank you to everyone who came out to help, especially the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR). They are on a mission to identify and beautify the graves of Buffalo Soldiers interred in HFC. We learned about Sgt. James Price, and you can watch the video about his history here. The Albuquerque Journal sent a photographer, and some nice photos appeared in Sunday’s newspaper.

With all the rain we’ve been having, the tumbleweed population is ballooning. To keep these weeds under control, we are holding another volunteer clean up event at Historic Fairview Cemetery on Saturday, August 15 starting at 9:00 a.m. If it works with your schedule, I hope you’ll come out!
Enter through Fairview Memorial Park, 700 Yale Blvd. SE. This is a perpetual care area with grass and trees. The entrance is just north of the intersection with Cesar Chavez Blvd. Head east to the cemetery office, then turn left and head north into the historic area, which is high desert brown.
Wear sunscreen, a hat, long sleeves and sturdy shoes. Bring work gloves and tools such as a weed whacker, hoe, and garden clippers if you have them. We’ll provide water and snacks, and heavy duty trash bags. You can learn some history of Albuquerque in the process.
We have a new website! We are very proud to introduce you to Many thanks to Jocelyn Jackman for her work on the site. You can also join the Historic Fairview Cemetery email list through this link.