Yes, it is possible to make money and save the environment when you downsize. In this short speech by Gail Rubin, The Doyenne of Death (and now the Doyenne of Downsizing), she demonstrates how she’s leading by example when it comes to lightening her load of stuff around the house.
According to the 2007 video “The Story of Stuff,” while Americans make up 5% of the world’s population, we consume 30% of the world’s natural resources and generate 30% of the world’s waste. With the Silver Tsunami of Baby Boomers getting close to doing their own downsizing as they reach their later years, we have a downsizing crisis brewing.
How can we downsize and avoid adding to the amount of material goods going into landfills? Watch this video for five tips on ways to remove excess household goods: selling online, donating for tax credit, curbing with a FREE sign, giving away through, and properly disposing of hazardous wastes.
These ideas and many more are in Gail Rubin’s new book, KICKING THE BUCKET LIST: 100 Downsizing and Organizing Things to Do Before You Die. It’s currently available in paperback form for $15.95 (plus shipping and tax as applicable) from Amazon, Rio Grande Books, and Look for the eBook version in the near future.