There was an evening prayer service held for Ovidia Georgina Gil, 85, but I only attended the graveside services held the next morning. Ovidia was a loving mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, and great-great-grandmother.
“I love you too much” was Ovidia’s phrase that showed up on the memorial photo board, on the prayer card, even on the headstone that sat waiting to be installed. About 60 people dressed in black gathered to pay their final respects. A half-dozen large floral tributes were arranged next to the grave. Ovidia’s dove gray metal casket, with a beautiful multicolor flower spread on top, was taken from the hearse by six pallbearers and gently placed on the supports over the grave.
Pastor Floyd Duron of The Vine Church thanked everyone for coming out and supporting the family. He provided words of comfort, to trust in God, Jesus is the hope, and to take home and cherish the memories of Ovidia. He recited Revelation 21, about a new heaven, a new earth, and a new Jerusalem. “We do not sorrow as those who have no hope,” said Pastor Duron. “We are sustained by the hope of the resurrection for those who believe in Jesus.”
After a prayer to protect and bless the family and give them strength, he offered the priestly blessing: “May God bless you and keep you. May God turn his countenance unto you. May God lift you up and give you peace.”
Each member of the family and others in attendance were invited to place a flower on the casket as a goodbye offering. The female funeral director asked the assembled to keep the family in their thoughts and prayers and invited them to go to the son’s home for continued storytelling (and lunch, I assume). The casket was not lowered until everyone had left, except for the funeral director and pastor.
“I love you too much,” Ovidia Georgina Gil. Rest in peace.